Tartós Szőrtelenítő


Diode Laser Hair Removal - 3 wavelength 755 / 808 / 1064

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3 wavelength 755 808 1064 diode laser
laser diodo 808
hair removal 755nm alexandrite laser
trio laser hair removal Med-808M


Professional hair removal for the widest range of hair types and color -especially light-colored and thin hair,dark skin type.

Laser Permanent Hair removal Handpiece Details 

808nm handpiece: The laser wavelength 808nm goes through the skin surface to reach the root of hair follicles, effective for light, golden, dark hairs and all skin types.Most popular hair removal machine in beauty salons and clinics. 808nm golden standards in aesthetic .

Tripe wavelengths (808+755+1064nm): Three wavelengths in one, provide excellent solution for various skin types and hair colors.

1064nm handpiece (specialized for darker skin types ): 1064nm Wavelength specialized for darker skin types. Treatment areas such as the scalp, arm pits and pubic areas.

755nm handpiece: 755nm Wavelength optimized for treatments of skin types up to IV with less melanin, especially good for light, brown and gold hair.


Tartós Szőrtelenítő

Flash-Com Kft.
